Bobbin Lace
About me
About Dreams of Lace

Last Changes made:
© 1996 Christiane Eichler
All rights reserved.

Bobbin Lace Photos

If you want a better look of any of the photos, just click it. The size of the big photo is given under each small photo. Some of the small photos show only part of the big photo.

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Christiane doing bobbin lace on her balcony (Summer '96). You see the typical German roll cushion, but it is held upright, which is not the usual German way. For most laces we use the cushion lying horizontally on a stand. I am working on a piece of tape lace, where you have to turn the cushion while following the meanderings of the tape.

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Here you are looking over my shoulder. I'm elongating the free thread of one of the bobbins. This is a better view of what you need for doing bobbin lace: Cushion, bobbins (the hooded German variety), thread, pricking, and lots of pins.

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A better view of the pricking. In the upper right corner you see the numbers stating how many pairs of bobbins to hang from every pin you are beginning your work with. Some of the pins are pushed fully into the cushion. The big pins with big colorful heads are used to seperate groups of bobbins.

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This photos shows my son and me working in the traditional German manner: The roll rests horizontally on a stand (which can be a basket, a wooden stand, or, as in Michaels case a shoebox), which stops its rolling from the table. You also see the German way to work with palms up. The closeup of Michaels hands shows this in detail. Each hand holds a pair.