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Fibercrafts Forum
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© 1996 Christiane Eichler
All rights reserved.

CompuServe Fibercrafts Forum

The Fibercrafts Forum (GO FIBERCR) is a meeting place for all who love fibercrafts. There are sections for knitting and crochet, machine knitting, cross sttich, stitchery and lace, weaving and spinning, and dying. Of course there is a place to discuss "all other fibercrafts" where you'll find kumihimo enthusiasts as well as people who do basketry or hook rugs.

All sewing related crafts have got their own forum only recently, the Sewing and Quilting Forum (GO SEWING). There is a third crafts forum for all non-fiber crafts (GO HANDCR).

In the Fibercrafts forums you won't only find masses of tips and tricks for the topics outlined above, but, if you like to, you can get in contact with fellow crafters. Particularly interesting are the group activities. There are swaps, where you exchange crafted items (usually a send-one/get-one type). stitchalongs, where everyone works on the same project, and participants exchange tips, experiences, encouragement and frustration; and round robins, where everyone begins a work, and it is sent around in the group until every person has contributed to the piece, and back to its original sender.

What I love about this place is the comradie and helpfulness of the community. You will find answers for almost every question you might have, encouragement to broaden your horizon, ideas for new projects, help for everyday life, and many virtual shoulders to weep at when things get rough. I've found many friends online, and owe lots of my crafts activities to this wonderful group.

What I also love is the conferences. These are places for realtime online chats. Right now there are regular conferences for almost every topic of the forum, and new ones keep being added. They are a wonderful way to meet people, and to chat in a more informal way than on the message board.

If you need more info about how to get to this forum, please visit the CompuServe Homepage